TVA-Recherche à

Toutes les informations sur:


АО Интер-А Ломбард

AO Inter-A Lombard (paraphrased name)

JSC Inter-A Lombard (translated name)

614036 Пермский Край Город Пермь Улица Космонавта Беляева 10

614036 Permskij Kraj Gorod Perm′ Ulica Kosmonavta Beljaeva 10 (paraphrased address)

614036 Permsky Krai City of Perm Kosmonavta Belyaev Street 10 (translated address)

INN (Numéro de TVA)
État de Tva actif inactif National Registration Only
End of VAT Registration
22 septembre 2011
KYC Check
KYC / PEP / AML request
This data is incorrect?
Source: Company Register: FTS of Russia (